Monday, January 31, 2011

Chinese New Year Celebration

Happy Chinese New Year! Gonna watch a new year movie, that movie is call '神奇hub女‘. Out of the three Chinese new year movie, that looks the most promising. The other two is just a mass of people singing and dancing around on the street. Gonna go to flea market now, and see how it goes.

UPDATES: Finally watched that movie, and it was alright. I had to line up for about 10min and paid $70 for the tickets on Lunar New Year. The theater is about 1/3 size of Vancouver's theatre. At the end I didn't get the chance to go to the flea market. But from what I heard, it wasn't very special this year. The only unique thing in HK's flea market are that there are some high-school student made product. Those products are usually more innovative and popular.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

MHP3 - My Charm Wantlist

雷: 龍之護石 - 雷屬性攻擊+8, 屬性攻擊+5, 0 slot (table12,3)
火: 龍之護石 - 火屬性攻擊+9, 格擋性能+2, 1 slot (table6)
冰: 龍之護石 - 冰屬性攻擊+8, 屬性攻擊+4, 0 slot (table2)
水: 龍之護石 - 水屬性攻擊+9, 連射+5, 0 slot (table3)

MHP3 - Switching Mining table

首先....出GAME 去設定時間 SET時間較番24H計 唔好12H 再SET 2000年1月1日 0時.00分XX秒 睇你想入TABLE幾 SET定時間唔好按O確定 例如我要入TABLE6 就SET定 0時00分41秒 知後唔好按O確定住 < 再開 > 以下網址 可以既拉下小小[対象を保存する] SAVE係自己電腦我的最愛度 時間倒數器會變大D
再黎 フレーム 更改為1200 再按 秒 轉換 為 20
之後 秒前からのカウント開始 更改為 5
再黎 秒早くカウント終了 更改為 0
最下低10秒前XX音XX鳴 可打勾 開定喇叭 有聲提你
望番住部PSP 等第1次5秒後 0分0秒00 禁番O確定時間
知後去番ISO 搵定MHP3隻GAME 準備 第二次 0分0秒00 入GAME
攪掂去火山掘石 ...任務完結後 睇下D護石屬性 再對番呢個網址 睇下自己係咪真係係自己想去既TABLE
テーブル1 2000/01/01 0:00:46
テーブル2 2000/01/01 0:00:35
テーブル3 2000/01/01 0:00:40
テーブル4 2000/01/01 0:00:24
テーブル5 2000/01/01 0:00:36
テーブル6 2000/01/01 0:00:41
テーブル7 2000/01/01 0:00:43
テーブル8 2000/01/01 0:00:48
テーブル9 2000/01/01 0:00:45
テーブル10 2000/01/01 0:00:38
テーブル11 2000/01/01 0:00:42
テーブル12 2000/01/01 0:00:54

Is Alive!!

Gonna start blogging again and talk/vent about everything in Hong Kong.